NVK Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie

AIO-School Kristal- & Struktuuronderzoek 2008

In week 45, november 3-6, an AIO-School Kristal- en Structuuronderzoek will be organized under the auspices of the NVK (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie) by order of the "CW-NWO Studiegroep Kristal- en Struktuuronderzoek", entitled:

Crystalline Samples
How to obtain, how to characterize and how to handle them.

This school will take place in the week of november 3-6 at the Radboud University, Nijmegen.The school is in the first place meant for AIO's but other interested persons are also welcome. In case that you yourself are not interested in this program please bring it to the attention of other potentially interested people.

The fee for this school is € 150 for participants from universities and € 600 for other participants. The fee includes hand-outs, lunches, coffee/tea and the diner on Wednesday.

The closing date for application is October, 31

Direction: Dr. S. Harkema, (UT) (S.Harkema@tnw.utwente.nl)
Organisation: Dr. R. Peschar (UvA) (R.Peschar@Uva.nl)
Local contact: Mevr. E. Salem (E.Salem@science.ru.nl)
Location: Radboud University
Toernooiveld 1
6525 ED Nijmegen
Room: See program
Time: Week 45, Monday November 3 until Thursday November 6
Language: English
Participants are expected to have a background in either Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Mineralogy, Biology, Pharmacology or Crystallography The purpose is to achieve 'working' knowledge in how to deal with crystalline samples in all of the above-mentioned fields.

For information and application, contact Dr. R. Peschar: R.Peschar@Uva.nl



  • Mevr. Dr. A. J. Böttger (TUD)
  • Mevr. Prof. dr. ir. M. Dijkstra (UU)
  • Dr. W.J.P. van Enckevort (RU)
  • Dr. R. de Gelder (RU)
  • Mevr. Drs. D. Georgieva (UL)
  • Dr. Ir. J.G.P. Goossens (TUE)
  • Dr. S. Harkema (UT)
  • Dr. H. Meekes (RU)
  • Mevr. Dr. M.M. Pop (Avantium Technologies) BV)
  • Dr. ir. J. Sietsma (TUD)
  • Dr. P. Verwer (Akzo Nobel)
  • Prof. dr. E. Vlieg (RU)
Monday, November 3 Room: HG00.075
Fundamental Aspects of crystalline samples
09.45-10.15 Registration + Coffee
10.15-10.30 Opening session (Harkema)
10.30-12.30 Brushing-up session (de Gelder)
13.15-14.45 Crystal growth as a phase transition (Vlieg)
15.15-16.45 Exercises and examples (de Gelder, Vlieg)
Tuesday, November 4 Room: HG00.023
Growth and Stability
09.30-10.45 How does a crystal grow (van Enckevort)
11.15-12.30 Growth experiments (Nijmegen group)
13.15-14.30 Colloidal Crystals (Dijkstra)
14.45-16.00 Crystal morphology (Meekes)
16.15-16.45 Growth experiments (Nijmegen group)
Wednesdayday, November 5 Room: HG00.068 (9.00-12.30)
Growth methods and techniques
09.30-10.45 To be confirmed
11.15-12.30 Protein crystals. How to obtain, how to handle and how to characterize them (Georgieva)
13.15-14.30 Polymer crystallization (Goossens)
14.45-16.00 Thin layers: crystallography on a slanting plane (Harkema)
18.00- Dinner in Nijmegen with the course members, offered by the AIO-school
Thursday, November 6 Room: HG00.071
Sample quality
09.30-10.45 Polycrystalline samples and crystalline powders (Böttger)
11.15-12.30 Defects in crystals (Sietsma)
13.15-14.30 Polymorphism (Verwer)
15.00-16.15 Role of solvents in polymorphism and crystallization (Pop)
16.15 Closing session (Harkema)

Application Form

November 3-6, 2008
Radboud University Nijmegen


Name		        ......................................................................

Title + initials        ......................................................................

First name              ......................................................................

Institute               ......................................................................

Address                 ......................................................................

Postcode                .........................

City                    ......................................................................

Date of birth           .........................

Phone                   .........................      Fax   .................................
E-mail                  ......................................................................

Group leader/promoter   ......................................................................

Send this form, preferably by e-mail, before October 31, 2008 to:

Dr. R. Peschar
Lab. voor Kristallografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Valckenierstraat 65 1018 XE Amsterdam, the Netherlands
tel.: 020 - 5257040
e-mail: R.Peschar@uva.nl