NVK Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie

AIO-School Kristal- & Struktuuronderzoek 2007

From October 22-26, 2007 an AIO-School will be organized under the auspices of the NVK (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie) by order of the “CW-NWO Studiegroep Kristal- en Struktuuronderzoek”, entitled:

Diffraction: a versatile tool in science

Direction: Dr. S. Harkema, (UT)
Organisation: Dr. R. Peschar (UvA)
E-mail: R.Peschar@Uva.nl or rene@science.uva.nl
Local contact: Dr. R. Peschar (UVA)
Location: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166M
1018 WV AMsterdam
Room: Zaal B2.28
Language: English
Time: Monday October 22 until Friday October November 26
This school is in the first place meant for AIO's, however, other interested people are also welcome.

Participants are expected to have a background in either Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Mineralogy, Biology, Pharmocology or Crystallography. The purpose is to achieve 'working' knowledge of diffraction analysis of various types of crystalline material and their use in the above-mentioned fields.


(The fee includes hand-outs, lunches, coffee/tea and the dinner on Wednesday).

For information and application, contact Dr. R. Peschar: R.Peschar@Uva.nl



  • Dr. Andrew Beale (UU)
  • Dr. ir. Rob Delhez (TUD)
  • Mevr. Dr. Eva Dova (Avantium, Amsterdam)
  • Dr. René de Gelder (KUN)
  • Prof. Bart Goderis (KU Leuven)
  • Dr. Heinz Graafsma (DESY, Hamburg)
  • Dr. Sybolt Harkema (UT)
  • Dr. Huub Kooijman (Shell, Amsterdam)
  • Mevr. Dr. Loes M.J. Kroon-Batenburg (UU)
  • Ing. Jan B. van Mechelen (UvA)
  • Dr. René Peschar (UvA)
  • Prof. Ton Spek (UU)
  • Dr. Andy-Mark Thunnissen (RUG)
  • Prof. Elias Vlieg (KUN)
  • Dr. Vedran Vonk (Max-Planck Inst, Stuttgart)
  • Dr. Ad van Well (TUD)
Monday, October 22
Getting acquainted with x-rays and diffraction
09.45-10.15 Registration + Coffee
10.15-10.30 Opening session (Harkema, Peschar)
10.30-12.30 Diffraction and symmetry (de Gelder)
13.15-14.45 Diffraction and Fourier theory (Kooijman)
15.15-16.45 Applications of diffraction: an overview (Harkema)
Tuesday, October 23
Single-crystalline and polycrystalline samples
What do diffraction data deliver us?
09.30-10.45 Organic and organo-metallic compounds (Spek)
Stepwise through a 'small molecule' structure determination
11.10-12.30 Proteins (Thunnissen)
Stepwise through a protein structure determination
13.15-14.45 From diffraction data to databases and back (de Gelder)
15.15-16.45 Structures from powder data (Van Mechelen)
Stepwise through a powder diffraction structure determination
Wednesdayday, October 24
Material analysis using diffraction
09.30-10.45 Characterization of surfaces and interfaces (Vlieg)
11.15-12.30 Biopolymers and bio-organic materials (Kroon-Batenburg)
13.15-16.45 Excursion
18.00- Dinner offered by the AIO-school
Thursday, October 25
Material analysis using X-ray's
09.30-10.45 Metallic and inorganic materials (Delhez)
11.15-12.30 X-ray diffraction analysis of pharmaceuticals (Dova)
13.15-14.45 Small-angle scattering (Goderis)
15.15-16.45 Synchrotron X-ray's and theur use in materials analysis (Vonk)
Friday, October 26
Large scale facilities (synchrotron, neutron) and how to get access to them
09.30-10.45 Neutrons and their use in material analysis (van Well)
11.15-12.45 EXAFS. How to get structural information when your sample is not crystalline (enough) (Beale)
13.30-14.15 How to write your own proposal for beam time (Peschar)
14.30-16.00 X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility XFEL (Graafsma)
16.00 Closing session (Harkema)

Application Form

OCTOBER 22-26, 2007
University of Amsterdam


Name		        ......................................................................

Title + initials        ......................................................................

First name              ......................................................................

Institute               ......................................................................

Address                 ......................................................................

Postcode                .........................

City                    ......................................................................

Date of birth           .........................

Phone                   .........................      Fax   .................................
E-mail                  ......................................................................

Group leader/promoter   ......................................................................

Send this form, preferably by e-mail, before October 15, 2007 to:

Dr. R. Peschar
Lab. voor Kristallografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Valckenierstraat 65 1018 XE Amsterdam, the Netherlands
tel.: 020 - 5257040
e-mail: R.Peschar@uva.nl or rene@science.uva.nl